About Us

Enlighten and rediscover yourself and gain the self confidence for embarking on a journey towards your cherished aspirations, making positive choices & empowered decisions and enhancing your happiness & well being.

The Lighthouse by Sahibaa Singh

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself,  go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

Let’s celebrate individuality and reflect upon the immense potential an individual has. The greatest investment of all is the one made for one’s own self.  This has been the guiding light behind “The Lighthouse” conceived by Sahibaa Singh, an internationally certified image consultant, a soft skills trainer, therapist and a happiness coach. 

Having gained immense wealth of experience in the art and science of image management and personal branding, she founded the image management brand “The Lighthouse” seeking to illuminate and stimulate lives of people, facilitating them to create a winning image and a powerful personal brand.

The brand “The Lighthouse” resulted from Sahibaa’s passion for embracing people, instilling confidence and authenticating their personality, enabling them to strive towards gaining their full potential. The brand specializes in personality development, image enhancement, etiquette training, communications skills, transformational intervention, counselling and therapy.

Sahibaa has earned numerous accolades and accreditations for her unparalleled ability to use behavioural insights for facilitating positive change in the lives of people. A firm believer in innate potential of people, Sahibaa is fluent in English, German, Hindi and Punjabi and as a counsellor and therapist, she connects with people at a much deeper level, inspiring them to explore and expand their horizons. Depending upon the situation, the best suited technique is applied- EFT Tapping Techniques, CBT,  Art Therapy, Mindfulness Techniques, etc.

Sahibaa strives to create a warm, safe, connected and confidential space that helps individuals resolve conflicts and overcome psychological issues of low self-esteem, trauma, depression, addiction and relationship issues. Her gentle and therapeutic approach values the individuality of a person and develops a trusting relationship, enlightening them towards making positive choices and empowered decisions which enhances their happiness & well being,  eliminates stress & negativity, achieve greater love for themselves and strive towards professional success. 

We Help You Stay Confident

The Trainers

Our team of experts guiding you through this beautiful journey of Self-Development

Sahibaa Singh

The founder of Lighthouse, she's a gifted power house herself, she is an Image Consultant, a Soft Skills Trainer, a Fashion Stylist, a teacher and an Ettiquette and Behaviour Coach. She has worked with a plethora of professional Institutions and Hospitality Sector

Happy Faces of Happy Students

Customers are assets to be cared for and nurtured.

Jeanne Bliss

Offering best services to our clients is a philosophy for us that is being embraced in The Lighthouse by Sahibaa Singh and the team since it’s inception.

Clients in the modern era are more demanding than ever before, and they value brands that can provide truly memorable service. Therefore, they are willing to share their positive experiences/feedbacks with others that are as follows:




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