Holistic Therapies

Healthy mind, healthy body!

All of us are aware of this saying but often times we fail to understand the means to achieve it. Holistic therapy is a method of healing that focuses on the person as a whole rather than just treating a specific concern. It involves healing the body, mind and spirit by unearthing your latent issues.

We use chakra healing, Angel Therapy, Law of Attraction Therapy, Manifestation Therapy, Colour Therapy, Water, Dance-movement therapy (DMT), Mandala Art Therapy, Ho’oponopono Therapy, SS healing ( a form of healing which focuses on your beliefs which you might be carrying from childhood or past life ).


Do you feel the need to have more control over your life sometimes?
Have you ever wondered over the deeper aspects of your life?
Want to explore more and more of who you are?

If the answer is yes to all the above mentioned questions, come on, join this course right away.

The Chakra Healing course provided by The Lighthouse will give you a greater level of self-mastery and healing ability, as well as a deeper understanding of how the health of your energetic body creates your reality, by taking the Indian wisdom of the 7 chakras (energy centres) and applying this knowledge in practical ways for the contemporary times. Understand the fundamental functions, energies, and functions of each chakra in this vast course.

Do you ever wonder how different energies affect your daily life?
Ever thought of guardian angels, angel numbers or guided meditations?

The Angel Therapy Course is your way to go who want to learn more about these fascinating topics and incorporate the practises into their daily lives. We all believe at some point that angels are always with us and want to help us, you only need to ask, and they will lead you through everyday events that are just as important as life-changing moments, and this course can help you expand your awareness regarding all of this with the assistance of a certified trainer.

You must have heard that when you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, The Universe will make it happen, and that is how the Law of Attraction works.

This course by The Lighthouse will give you in-depth practical knowledge about how this law works and you can get the best out of it. This includes various sessions on equally important topics that are as follows:

1. Power of Words

2. Law of Resonance

3. Water Therapy

4. Angel Therapy

5. Gratitude

6. Visualization of Vision Board

One of the very popular Clinical Psychologists says, “Through purposeful thoughts, feelings, and actions, what is desired is manifested.” But have you ever thought of whether your manifestation is working or not, whether your intentions are powerful enough?

Don’t you worry! We got your back through this course. The Manifestation Therapy will help you build a genuine desire for happiness and purpose while instilling hope and teaching you how to maintain control over your life through choice. It will also assist you in manifesting your life towards self-actualization, which is indeed a pinnace need of almost everyone.

Colors are amazing, how a perfect blend and combination of them can lighten up your whole “off” mood is more amazing. Hence, the Lighthouse brings to you one of its most interesting and enjoyable courses, The Color Therapy.

A kind of holistic therapy that uses various colors to treat a number of physical and mental health issues is known as Color Therapy. Ayurveda itself agrees that specific colors can stimulate and balance your bodies’ chakras, while consequently helps in improving hormonal secretion, improving mood and reducing stress & anxiety. So, come forward and access this course if you want to promote your health and healing.

Have you ever wondered how dance can take you into another world of absolute happiness and freedom, without any anxiety of stress? Well, the answer to this is DMT!

It is one of the greatest therapies that can be used to decrease pain, stress, and debility and improve ROM (Range of Motion), strength, balance, coordination, cardiovascular health, physical fitness, mood, and cognition.

To promote the individual’s emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration with the goal of improving health and well-being, Dance-Movement Therapy is provided to the clients. We are here to assess, evaluate and develop treatment goals for your problems.

There are numerous therapeutic ways to reduce stress and find oneself into a spiritual space. Almost every one of them is related to various arts in one or the other ways.

The very nature of drawing a Mandala is as therapeutic, meditative and symbolic as one can think of it. The Lighthouse by Sahibaa Singh is here to provide you a therapy with its deep spiritual meaning and representation of wholeness, known as Mandala Therapy.

Hence, if you are looking forward to a creative way of expressing yourself, a relaxing way to be in the moment and a representation of the unconscious self, enroll in this course right now.

Do you ever regret the moment where an apology could’ve saved an entire relationship between you and the other being, but right in that moment, this “apology” thing didn’t come up?

We might not know how this must have felt or stills feels to you but we can surely help you for your future relationships or friendships, that can prevent you from undergoing that same repentance. You will get to know the value of compassion, gratitude, love and forgiveness play an equally vital role in your life through Ho’oponopono Therapy: The Power of Wholeness and Healing.

Do you always seem to challenge your existing notions about self and continue to dislike them?
Do you always react to some unachievable situations with anger or hurt?
Do you feel like you are prolonging your misery on your own and there’s nobody’s fault?


And let us tell you that all of this brings you in a blockage of your growth!!!

To facilitate reconnecting with self and restoring one’s inherent ability to heal, The Lighthouse is here to help you with its SS (Serenity Surrender) Healing Therapy. So, come forward and start experiencing that natural tendency to move towards peace and love with some guidance and practice with our certified consultant.


One can contact us via phone number or mail IDs mentioned on our website. You can also write down your message and send us (scroll down to the page to see the option), and our team will get back to you through the same mode as early as possible.

There is no refund policy, practiced by The Lighthouse.

We offer therapy sessions to any kid, adolescent or adult, whosoever is suffering from any kind of trauma/problem and need our help.

No, it depends upon the course you choose, the structure you want and the number of sessions you need, all of which will be decided post the assessment of your requirements.

No, we can also curate the programs as per your personal requirements post the evaluation and assessment of your needs, thus offering you customisation features.

The individual or group sessions are for anyone/any group of people who want to align their personal and professional lives with confidence, etiquettes and elegance. Apart from that, there are holistic and psychological therapies available for kids, adolescents and adults. 

As such, there is no eligibility for enrolling in any course. If you feel the need to pursue any course to improve your psyche, we are here to help with any/everything.

The courses are designed as per the requirements that are beneficial in the healing of your mind, soul and spirit. We do not focus only on one specific concern of our clients, but as a whole thus working on holistic development. All these courses will let you rediscover yourself and gain that self-confidence that is required to embark on a journey of your positive aspirations.




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