Group Sessions & Workshops

It is very right to say that
Wonder why?
Because it’s T.E.A.M., no?

Hence, if your organisation/school/college/foundation is looking forward to boost that spark of working together in a team/group, here we are to take care of this!

The Lighthouse offers various programs under which your team can come together in the process of learning something fruitful for a shared purpose. 

Seems interesting?!
Scroll down to have a look on the programs we offer!

Have you ever held yourself back from raising your hand in class despite knowing the answer? Or felt nervous to speak up in a group of people? A Personality Development course will help you overcome everything that is stopping you from becoming the ‘best you’!

While having food at a restaurant, have you ever faced the dilemma of what to focus on- the food or the conversation? Have you ever been confused upon seeing the cutlery on the table? Does complicated-looking food make you nervous and steal all your attention?

If your answer is yes, or if you think you might face this in the future, this course is for you! 

Soft skills training won’t change your life, but it will entirely uplift the way you present your real self. Soft skills are the most significant aspects of your personality and they decide how others perceive you- both personally and professionally.

Do you hesitate to talk in large gathering? Are you flooded with thoughts like “Will I know enough?” “Will they like my speech?” “What will they think of my confidence?” Public Speaking and Confidence Building course will help you bring some serious empowerment to your public speaking and leave your audience with a memorable impression.

The Advanced English course focuses on enhancing written and oral communication skills covering aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and fluency.

The unique aspect of our course is the strong focus on meticulously teaching students to think in English.

Stepping into a corporate setup can come as a challenge at times. New people, new workspace, new infrastructure- all of this can get scary if you haven’t mentally prepared yourself for it.

If you are an organisation and are looking to organise a session for the students, you can invite me to conduct a workshop around any of the listed topics. 


One can contact us via phone number or mail IDs mentioned on our website. You can also write down your message and send us (scroll down to the page to see the option), and our team will get back to you through the same mode as early as possible.

There is no refund policy, practiced by The Lighthouse.

We offer therapy sessions to any kid, adolescent or adult, whosoever is suffering from any kind of trauma/problem and need our help.

No, it depends upon the course you choose, the structure you want and the number of sessions you need, all of which will be decided post the assessment of your requirements.

No, we can also curate the programs as per your personal requirements post the evaluation and assessment of your needs, thus offering you customisation features.

The individual or group sessions are for anyone/any group of people who want to align their personal and professional lives with confidence, etiquettes and elegance. Apart from that, there are holistic and psychological therapies available for kids, adolescents and adults. 

As such, there is no eligibility for enrolling in any course. If you feel the need to pursue any course to improve your psyche, we are here to help with any/everything.

The courses are designed as per the requirements that are beneficial in the healing of your mind, soul and spirit. We do not focus only on one specific concern of our clients, but as a whole thus working on holistic development. All these courses will let you rediscover yourself and gain that self-confidence that is required to embark on a journey of your positive aspirations.




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